Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #45826 in Home
- Color: Black
- Brand: Dylos
- Model: DC1100
- Dimensions: 5.00 pounds
- LCD screen display
- detects particles down to 0.5 microns
- Only for use with 110V
Product Description
A true Laser Particle Counter with 2 size ranges - small (bacteria, mold, etc) large (pollen, etc.)
DC1100 features technology and engineering that allows monitoring of indoor air quality with an LCD screen that provides small and large particle counts with a dynamic bar graph showing actual count reading. Multiple modes including minute, hour, day and monitor to evaluate your air quality and store up to 30 days of air quality history for review.
DC1100 Pro has all the features of the standard DC1100 but with increased lower sensitivity - detecting particles down to 0.5 micron. The large particle size range is calibrated to 2.5 microns and above.
Color: Black
Dimensions: h 7 in x w 4.5 in x d 3 in
Total Weight: 2.5 lb
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.Outstanding product - especially if you have asthma
By Dave
I honestly can't remember if I bought my unit from this particular seller, or from another...But I've now had my unit for several years. I have Cough Variant Asthma (A yucky kind of asthma that can make you cough so hard you crack a rib...not fun). I began to notice a correlation between dust in the air and my asthma symptoms, and allergy counts and my asthma. I wanted to buy air cleaners, but they're so expensive...are they really worth it? Well, I finally reached a point that I was ready to MANAGE this asthma, regardless what it took - it was destroying my quality of life.So...I ripped out all my carpeting and put in a hardwood floor. I bought a very good IQ Air air cleaner (I highly recommend these, by the way). I started using high-end air filters in my house (I now use Filtrete Elite Allergen 2200 air filters in my home heating/AC system).The laser particle sensor shown here - the Dylos product - was instrumental in helping me figure all this out!! I have the more sensitive unit (down to 0.5 micron size). I was initially told by my allergist that a particle counter might help me figure all this out, but a good one costs $12,000. I started digging on the web, and I couldn't believe my eyes when this Dylos product popped up! I had been spending hundreds of dollars on medications, not to mention lost work...so buying this was a no-brainer.I quickly figured out my personal thresholds. If the unit is measuring 300 or more, then I'd better start doing something because it was going to make my asthma flair up. Usually this means changing my home HVAC filters (in the summer here in Austin, the AC runs constantly, so they can need changing once a month - if I forget, my Dylos tells me :-). Or, I can crank up my IQ Air air cleaner until the count drops. I can usually get the air quality down to the 50 parts per million count - if it stays around that point, I know I'm safe. You'll get a feel very quickly for what the counts are telling you.As far as using the product, it's brain-dead-easy. Plug it in, turn it on - it tells you the air quality. When I hold it near my IQ Air air cleaner, the count drops as you'd expect. If it's in the kitchen and someone burns toast, the count skyrockets, as you'd expect.I have no way of knowing if the count it is showing is TRULY 100% accurate (they have data on their website showing how it compares to a really expensive professional unit - they claim it's accurate. I obviously don't have an expensive unit to compare it to - BUT, to me that doesn't matter. It definitely tells me when I need to take action for my health.One thing to point out - the unit uses a small fan to pull air through the unit. It's not loud at all (much much quieter than an air purifier, for example), but it's not totally silent.If you leave the unit on, it will constantly monitor the air quality, or you can set it to turn on and take a measurement now and then. I leave it on when I'm actively trying to get the count down, then I tend to turn it off - maybe turning it on every now and then to do a check. I suppose I could be better about using some of the automation built in and have it do this automatically, but I haven't taken the trouble to set this up (it's probably not hard).If you have asthma like I do, I really can't tell you how liberating this has been - to be able to actively MEASURE the air that I'm breathing and KNOW if it's safe or making me sick - THEN, to be able to DO something if it's not clean (turn on my IQ Air, change the air filters, etc). It's HUGE!!My asthma is much much better controlled now. I unfortunately had my first attack last week, but that's the first one in 18 months (they were happening every 2-3 months before).So, if you can't tell, I highly recommend this product!
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.Great product
By anonymoose
I have several air cleaners in my house, and I recommend them highly. But, I was a bit lost as to exactly to what degree they were improving the air quality in my house...I had no way of really knowing. I also found the filter replacement times somewhat vague. You replace them based on keeping track of how many hours you have run your air cleaner at a given fan speed--the higher the fan speed, the fewer total hours of run time until you need to change each filter. This does not seem like the best way of knowing when to replace these costly items.Doesn't it make sense that if there is not so much dust in your house, but a lot of dust in someone else's house, that running an identical air cleaner for the same amount of time and fan speed as the people in the other house is going to mean that your filters are not going to be plugged up as quickly as theirs? And, in order to save energy on the electric bill, how do I know what is the lowest fan speed to use to actually keep my air clean, given the size of my room and the actual dust that it contains or that flows into the room from doors and windows?I started doing some research online and eventually came across this device.I bought one of these Dylos air quality monitors and now that I am using it, I couldn't imagine running good air cleaners without one. It gives you an immediate readout of the quantity of particles floating around in your air, and a scale to tell you what that means. It allows you to see what is going on in your room, with your air cleaner, with your dust problem at this moment as it is affected by the outside air currents, etc.. This will make it possible to determine the best fan speed, and also allows you to tell the condition of your filters by measuring the clean air output of your air cleaner. You replace your filters when they are not filtering properly anymore, not when some arbitrary timer tells you to. I can move the Dylos from room to room to check, as it is small and light.For the small cost of this device relative to electric costs and filter costs, it is a steal in the long run. I have no affiliation with Dylos. They have been well reviewed elsewhere and make the most reasonable particle counter on the market. It works for me, and I just thought I'd pass it along.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.This device's reading is NOT ACCURATE, and the SERIVCE is very POOR
By ki
This device can't provide accurate count for PM2.5, due to the facts as bellow:1 The count is not accurate,as Air moisture and temperature will greatly affect the result. As we all know, Water is everywhere-even in the air.It seems that this device can not make a distinction between "water vapor&" and "particles".The device's reading is so high in raining days.The count of PM2.5 is not accurate, especially when the air moisture level or temperature is high.2 This device can not provide PM2.5 count based on the official FDA or WHO measurement---μg/m3.Some sellers says u could "transfer" or "calculate" betwent the reading from this device to "μg/m3"-----it's a huge misleading to buyers and it's impossible.The result from this device is uncomparable to all the official PM2.5 data.Lastly but most importantly,The manufacturer provide a VERY VERY POOR service,I wrote a number of emails to their "support" email to inquiry this product, but NEVER get any reply.PLEASE also keep in mind, this product only comes with a 90 days warranty. And u can't get refund even when u receive a defective product in arrival.I was told by the seller, if u buy this product with a corporate address, then the manufacturer thinks there is a possibility of this unit to be used in another country. They will still sell this product to you, with no warranty at all. Sure they won't tell you that when you buy it,they just refuse to repair it when something happens----------They told me that I bought a device with no warranty at all, coz I bought it with a corporate address,which means customers could not return the defective products or ask for repair it.It seems that many local or foreign buyers buy this products without knowing these technical issues and the warranty facts, so I have decided to translate my review into other languages by google.---------------------------From a very very unsatisfied customer----------------Este dispositivo no puede dar cuenta exacta de PM2.5, debido a los hechos como bramido:1 El número no es exacto, ya que la humedad del aire y temperatura afectará en gran medida el resultado. Como todos sabemos, el agua está en todas partes, incluso en el aire.Parece que este dispositivo no se puede hacer una distinción entre el "vapor y agua" y "partículas". Lectura del dispositivo es tan alto en días de lluvia.El recuento de PM 2,5 no es exacta, especialmente cuando el nivel de humedad del aire o la temperatura es alta.2 Este dispositivo no puede proporcionar PM2.5 recuento basado en el oficial de la FDA y la OMS measurement---μg/m3.Algunos vendedores dice u podía "transferir" o "calcular" betwent la lectura de este dispositivo para "g/m3" ----- es un gran equívoco compradores y es imposible.El resultado de este dispositivo es incomparable a todos los datos oficiales de PM2.5.Por último, pero lo más importante,El fabricante ofrece un servicio muy muy pobre,Yo escribí una serie de correos electrónicos a su "apoyo" de correo electrónico a la investigación de este producto, pero nunca recibe ninguna respuesta.Tenga también en cuenta que este producto viene con una garantía de 90 días.Y me dijo el vendedor, si la compra de u este producto con un domicilio social, el fabricante piensa que hay una posibilidad de que esta unidad que se utilizará en otro país, se siguen vendiendo este producto para usted, sin ninguna garantía en absoluto. ---------- El dispositivo perdió 90 días de garantía coz lo compré con una dirección corporativa, lo que significa que no podía devolverlo o solicitar la reparación, incluso a través Recibí un producto defectuoso en llegada.Parece que muchos de los compradores locales y extranjeros compran estos productos sin saber estas cuestiones técnicas y los hechos de garantía, por lo que han decidido trasladar mi opinión a otros idiomas por google.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------该设备无法提供PM2.5的准确计数,由于波纹管的事实:1计数不准确,因为空气的湿度和温度,将极大地影响结果。正如我们都知道,水是无处不在,甚至在空气中。这设备似乎不能让"水蒸汽"和"粒子"之间的区别。设备读数是如此之高,在下雨的日子里。,PM2.5的计数是不准确的,尤其是当空气中的水分的水平或温度高。2此设备不能提供FDA官方或世卫组织measurement---μg/m3。基于PM2.5计数的。有的卖家说可以"转让"或"计算"betwent从这个设备的读数到标准单位"微克"-----这是一个巨大误导买家,这是不可能的。从这个设备是不可比拟的所有官方PM2.5数据的结果。最后,但最重要的是,制造商提供一个VERY VERY POOR服务,我写了他们的"支持"电子邮件查询本产品的邮件数量,但从来没有得到任何答复。还请记住,这款产品只配备了一个90天的保修。有人告诉我,如果由卖方u购买此产品的企业地址,制造商认为有可能,将本机在其他国家使用,他们仍然会卖这个产品给你,没有保修。 ----------我的设备失去了它的90天保修因为我买了它与企业的地址,这意味着顾客不能回或要求修复它即使顾客收到了有缺陷的产品在到达。这似乎不知道这些技术问题和保修事实,很多本地或外地买家购买此产品,所以我决定把我的翻译成其他语言,由谷歌。
Thank you for choosing Dylos Coporation your leader in indoor air quality monitoring. ... DC1100 PRO AIR QUALITY MONITOR with PC INTERFACE Price: $289.99.
Dylos DC1100 Professional Air Quality Monitor
A true Laser Particle Counter with 2 size ranges - small (bacteria, mold, etc) large (pollen, etc.) DC1100 features technology and engineering that allows monitoring ...
Amazon.com: Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor: Home & Kitchen
A true Laser Particle Counter with 2 size ranges - small (bacteria, mold, etc) large (pollen, etc.) DC1100 features technology and engineering that allows monitoring ...
Monitoring your Air Quality - Chris Nafis Projects
Dylos DC1100 Pro Air Quality Monitor with PC Interface $290 Arduino Uno Ethernet $65 9VDC Arduino power adapter $7 RS232 Shifter SMD $14 Null Modem Adapter $12
Dylos DC1100 Air Quality Monitor - American Allergy Supply Home Page
Dylos DC1100 Air Quality Monitor. Professional Model. 0.5 micron and 2.5 micron reading. ... Dylos Air Quality Monitor Laser Particle Counter:
how good is the Dylos DC1100 air quality monitor?
Thread: how good is the Dylos DC1100 air quality monitor? Thread Tools. Show Printable Version; ... From a professional point I am always interested in accuracy.
Dylos DC1100 Air Quality Monitor - American Allergy Supply Home Page
Home Model 1.0 Micron Air Quality Monitor Professional Model 0.5 Micron - Measures all the Lung Damaging Particles in the air that can reach the deepest parts of your ...
Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor
5 stars. "Outstanding product - especially if you have asthma" I honestly can't remember if I bought my unit from this particular seller, or from another...But I've ...
Dylos DC1100 PRO Laser Particle Counter - Free Shipping
Instructions for using the Dylos Computer Interface with the Dylos DC11000 Pro Air Quality Monitor. ... Comments about Dylos DC1100 PRO Laser Particle Counter:
Dylos Dc1100 - Compare Prices, Reviews and Buy at Nextag
Dylos Dc1100 - 7 results like Dylos DC1100 Standard Air Quality Monitor, Dylos DC1100 Pro Indoor Air Quality Monitor, Dylos DC1100 Pro Indoor Air Quality Monitor With ...
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